Search Results: "sune"

24 February 2011

Pau Garcia i Quiles: Applied for Debian Maintainer, FLOSS workflow works

I have been packaging for Debian for a few years now. My first serious package was Wt back in 2007, but I had been backporting for Ubuntu for at least 2 years already, which means I have been doing .deb packaging for about 5 years (!). Last week I decided it was about time stop nagging my sponsors (Vincent Bernat, Thomas Girard and Sune Vuorela) every time I wanted to update the packages I maintain (witty, ace and libmsn), and I finally started the Debian New Maintainer process. The main reason I had not applied for Debian Maintainer yet was it requires some bureaucracy and, well, I d rather spend my time coding or packaging than doing paperwork :-) I sent my Declaration of Intent and soon after, Thomas and Vincent replied and supported my application with very very nice and kind words. Thank you, guys! I m flattered! :roll: Had I known I would be buttered up so much, I would have certainly applied a long time ago! :-D But you know what is the best part of this? It shows how open source projects take advantage of all the tools and communications channels we have (IRC, mailing lists, sprints, conferences, etc), and make distributed development work very well: here we have a 900-developers project in which two French guys are praising an Spanish guy they have never, ever met face-to-face (only e-mail, occasional IRC, and the most important of all: code review). Meritocracy at its full extent. Have you ever seen that in a traditional 100,000 workers company with hundreds of developers working in a single project?

3 December 2010

Pau Garcia i Quiles: KIPI plugin for

The site is a public repository of screenshots taken from applications contained in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and its derivates like Ubuntu. It was created by Cristoph Haas to help people get an impression of what a certain software will look like on your desktop before you install it. Everybody can take screenshots and upload them through the upload form. So far there are about 3100 screenshots, which is actually a small number if you consider Debian Squeeze contains about 15000 source packages After I hacked a bit on KSnapshot, the KDE snapshot tool, Sune asked me to add an export to command. I had not thought of it before but that looked like a great idea, it would make the process or taking-screenshot, visit-upload-form, upload-each-screen so much easier!. So I started to develop my first KIPI plugin. Here is the resulting Debian Screenshots plugin, as you would use it in KSnapshot:

Being a KIPI plugin, it is available not only from KSnapshot but also from Digikam, Gwenview and the other applications which support KIPI plugins:

Which makes me think: what about having a debshots (the software powering installation over at and have screenshots for all the KDE applications? What do you think? Promo team? Sysadmins? Setting it up shouldn t be difficult: I m no Python or Pylons expert (I m more of a Ruby and Wt C++ guy :-) and got it running in a VM in an afternoon, even solving some SQLAlchemy 0.6 issues.

19 September 2010

Obey Arthur Liu: Google Summer of Code 2010 Debian Report

Hello fellow developers, The summer is over :( but I m happy to announce that this year s Summer of Code at Debian has been better than ever! :) This is indeed the 4th time we had the privilege of participating in the Google Summer of Code and each year has been a little different. This year, 8 of our 10 students succeeded in our (very strict!) final evaluations, but we have reasons to believe that they will translate into more long-term developers than ever, all thank to you. The highlight this year has been getting almost all of our students at DebConf10. Thanks again this year to generous Travel Grants from the Google Open Source Team, we managed to fly in 7 of our students (up from 3!). You certainly saw them, presenting during DebianDay, hacking on the grass of Columbia, hacking^Wcheering our Debian Project Leader throwing the inaugural pitch of a professional baseball game or hacking^Wsun-tanning on the tr s kitsch Coney Island beach. Before I give the keyboard to our Students, I d like to tell you that it will be the pleasure and honor of Obey Arthur Liu (yours truly, as Administrator) and Bastian Venthur (as Mentor) to represent Debian at the Summer of Code 2010 Mentors Summit on 23-24 October 2010, at the Google Headquarters in Mountain View. Like last year, we expect many other DDs to be present under other hats. We will be having 2 days of unconference on GSoC and free software related topics. We all look forward to reporting from California on Planet and soc-coordination@l.a.d.o! All of our students had a wonderful experience, even if they couldn t come to DebConf, that is best shared in their own voice, so without further ado, our successful projects: Multi-Arch support in APT by David Kalnischkies, mentored by Michael Vogt apt-get install MultiArch does mostly work now as most code is already merged in squeeze, but if not complain about us at deity@l.d.o! Still, a lot left on the todo list not only in APT so let us all add MultiArch again to the Release Goals and work hard on squeezing it into wheezy. :) Debbugs Bug Reporting and Manipulation API by David Wendt Jr., mentored by Bastian Venthur Hello, I m David Wendt, and I went to Debconf10 to learn more about the development side of Debian. Having used it since the 9th grade, I ve been intimately familiar with many of Debian s internals. However, I wanted to see the developers and other Debian users. At DebConf, I was able to see a variety of talks from Debian and Ubuntu developers. I also got to meet with my mentor as well as the maintainer of Debbugs. Content-aware Config Files Upgrading by Krzysztof Tyszecki, mentored by Dominique Dumont Config::Model is now capable of manipulating files using shorter and easier to write models. Thanks to that, packagers may start experiment with creating upgrade models. Further work is needed to support more complicated config files Dominique Dumont is working on DEP-5 parser, I ll shortly start working on a cupsd config file parser.
The best thing about DebConf10 is that every person I talked with knew what I was doing. I had a mission to get some feedback on my project. Everybody liked the idea of making upgrades less cumbersome. On the other side, it was my first visit to United States, so I decided to go on a daytrip on my own (instead of staying inside the building, despite heat warnings). I had a chance to visit many interesting places like Ground Zero, the UN headquarters, Grand Central Terminal, Times square and Rockefeller Center that was a great experience. Hurd port and de-Linux-ization of Debian-Installer by J r mie Koenig, mentored by Samuel Thibault Debconf10 was great! Among other people working on the installer, I met Aur lien Jarno from the Debian/kFreeBSD team and we worked together on a cross-platform busybox package. Besides, the talks were very interesting and I ve filled my TODO-list for the year.
For instance I learned about the Jigsaw project of OpenJDK, and how Debian would be the ideal platform to experiment with it. More generally, some people think Debian could push Java 7 forward and I d like to see this happen. Smart Upload Server for FTP Master by Petr Jasek, mentored by Joerg Jaspert I must say that it was great time for me in NY, I ve met and talked and coded with people from ftp-master team like Torsten Werner who helped me to push the project a bit further and with some other people who were looking forward to release of the tool which I hope they will use quite soon. Everybody interested, everybody excited, really cool place and time. And I can t forget the Coney Island beach and stuff, lot of fun, lot of sun;) Aptitude Qt by Piotr Galiszewski, mentored by Sune Vuorela Currently, development branches support full features searching, viewing extended package s informations, performing cache and packages operations. Code and GUI still require a lot of work which will be continued. Informations about further progress could be found on aptitude mailing list and repository rss channel. Debian-Installer on Neo FreeRunner and Handheld Devices by Thibaut Girka, mentored by Gaudenz Steinlin For me, DebConf 10 started at the airport, where Sylvestre Ledru (whom I didn t know of before) was wearing a GSoC 2007 t-shirt, that is, given the circumstances, almost equivalent to say I m a hacker, I m going to DebConf 10 .
I ve spent my time at the conference attending various talks, hacking, meeting DDs and other hackers (amongst others, my co-mentor Per Andersson, Paul Wise, Julien Cristau, Christian Perrier, Cyril Brulebois, Martin Michlmayr, Colin Watson and Otavio Salvadores who I have to thank for his patience while dealing with my questions), chatting, cross-signing keys, rushing to finish eating before 7pm, getting sunburnt, sightseeing (thanks, Arthur, for the lightning-fast tour of Manhattan!), and so on. Debian Developers and community, we count on you. See you next year! (cross-posted to debian-devel-announce@l.d.o and soc-coordination@l.a.d.o)

10 August 2010

Sune Vuorela: Previous weekend in Debian KDE land

3 interesting small things happened in the weekend. Due to the hard work of mostly Florian Reinhard and George Kiagiadakis, Bluedevil is now available. Bluedevil is a new and improved bluetooth handling thing targetted the KDE Workspaces. The Debconf people have uploaded the Qt Debconf frontend that I blogged about a while ago, so now it should be available. Last, but not least, applications now has more accurate data for if they are online or not, by using the ntrack library. This was especially problematic for people having some interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces, and other interfaces managed by NetworkManager.
This feature will be committed to upstream KDE whenever Will gets around to do it. As a added bonus, KDEBindings in Debian has seen a release critical bugfix (python plugins, e.g. plasma widgets, related), and the brokenness of Konsole (libkpty) on the kFreeBSD-arches have been tracked down to a libc issue and a patch has been made. All of this is expected to be part of next stable Debian release, codename Squeeze.

28 July 2010

Sune Vuorela: Transport data easily to mobile phones

I guess we all have the challenge of how to easily get a link or a phone number or some other strings of data from the computer to the mobile phone. With the help of mobile barcodes and klipper, this is now possible in KDE Trunk to do easily. Place some data in clipboard, click on klipper and select Show barcode. show barcode option in klipper menu Mobile barcode in klipper To read it, open the barcode app in your phone (mBarcode on n900 for example) and point it to your monitor.

24 July 2010

Sune Vuorela: debconf kde frontend

I wrote another blog post a while back talking about Debconf kde frontend. I spend some days at akademy looking at it, and then refined it a bit when I got home.
Results: debconf kde frontend in action. hopefully, the debconf people will accept it soon.

31 May 2010

Piotr Galiszewski: Hello Word

Hello Planet Debian readers!

I've never thought that such a thing can ever happen, but I've started blogging ;) So now it is time to introduce myself.

My name is Piotr Galiszewski and I am second year student of computer science at AGH - University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland). I have been GNU/Linux user for about 5 years (mostly Debian based distributions).

Thanks for Debian and Google, this summer I will be working on creating Qt-based user interface for aptitude as my Google Summer of Code project. I hope that my mentors Sune Vuorela and Daniel Barrows will be patient with me ;) I am sure I will learn a lot from them. Please look at abstract of my project made by Debian GSoC administrator Obey Arthur Liu:
Qt GUI for aptitude. Currently, KDE users need to use Aptitude via the console interface, or install the newly developed GTK frontend, which does not fit well into KDE desktop. Making Qt frontend to Aptitude would solve this problem and bring an advanced and fully Debian-compliant graphical package manager to KDE.
As I wrote in my proposal I will split my work into three main parts:
  1. writing low level classes which will abstract aptitude signals and slots (which uses sigc++) into Qt slots and signals.
  2. creating and evaluating GUI mockups
  3. implementing GUI on top of classes from the first point
Point 1 and 2 will be made simultaneously and will take all May and half of June. Low level classes should implement all necessary functions for further use in GUI. This classes allow me to avoid direct usage of none Qt code in GUI classes and also give much more time to prepare completed and usability-wise mockups. Every mockups version will be presented and discussed on this blog. First version should be ready in next few days and updates will appear each week (or to weeks).
After finishing this two steps I will start coding GUI. With mockups and finished low level classes this should not be complicated (Yeah, I know that this is only my dream).

Full text of my proposal (including more precise time-line) can be found at Debian wiki.

Currently, project is slightly behind the schedule . It is caused by changes in my studies plan. The Juwanalia students' festival took place earlier, and yesterday it finished. But my first exam will take place one week later on 18 May, so I will have more time to catch up with time-line.

This project is my first direct contribution to Debian, but not first involvement in free software movement. I've been Kadu Instant Messenger developer for more then two year. In last two years I have been second most active developer with more than 700 commits in master branch. During GSoC period my Kadu activities will be limited. If time allows me to do this, I will be still contributing to Kadu. I still can be found at Kadu forum or #kadu channel on I will also continue reviewing patches and fixing low time-consuming bugs.

My plans for the next few days:
If you have any thoughts about this project, please add comment to this post or contact me directly. I will be glad to read all yours opinions


PS. As you can see English is not my mother tongue, so please forgive me my mistakes

18 May 2010

Sune Vuorela: The Debian-KDE specific things II

I wrote a bit ago a blog post about what debian kde is missing of distribution specific things Some of the more important things includes: Installer
I don t think it is the most important thing. Wether or not the graphical installer is using gtk or qt is not that important. I would love to see it happen, but it is not something I feel like putting my time in. Others are most welcome.
It will give the advantage of giving the installer the possibility to use the framebuffer directly. Modules and firmwares and such
Someone is saying that ubuntu has something called jockey that does this exact thing, with a KDE and a Gnome frontend. Unfortunately, it is python, so it is something I will really avoid. I m hoping that me mentioning it here will make someone into python&debian pick it up and bring it to debian.
It is apparantly some nice magic around discover-data. Debconf frontend that fits
A lot of work has been put into proper perl-qt bindings and they will hopefully be ready for kde4.5, which is unfortunately a series too late for Squeeze :/. But when that has happened, we just need some perl guy to adapt the old frontend to debconf. Reportbug interface
There is already a tool called reportbug-ng that is a qt interface to reporting bugs. All in all, it looks like we are quite far already. We just need to get the last bits put together. Someone: pickup jockey. And note that the comment field isn t a place to report bugs. They will be removed.

11 May 2010

Sune Vuorela: The Debian-KDE specific things ?

So. I was wondering, which nice distro specific tools do exist in debian/gnome or in $other/kde that debian/kde is missing? We have kalternatives for managing alternatives, we have a update notifier frontend in progress and after google summer of code, hopefully a package management frontend, aptitude-qt. (Made by Piotr). But what other distribution specific tools are we missing for Debian-KDE ?

26 April 2010

Obey Arthur Liu: Welcome to our 2010 Debian Google Summer of Code students!

I d like to extend a warm welcome to our selected students for the 2010 Debian Google Summer of Code! They should pop up on Debian Planet soon and you re welcome to come talk to them on #debian-soc on Aptitude Qt by Piotr Galiszewski, mentored by Sune Vuorela Qt GUI for aptitude. Currently, KDE users need to use Aptitude via the console interface, or install the newly developed GTK frontend, which does not fit well into KDE desktop. Making Qt frontend to Aptitude would solve this problem and bring an advanced and fully Debian-compliant graphical package manager to KDE. Content-aware Config Files Upgrading by Krzysztof Tyszecki, mentored by Dominique Dumont When a package deliver configuration files, the problem of merging user data with new configuration instructions will arise during package upgrades on users systems. Sometimes merging can be done with 3 way merge, but this process does not insure that the resulting file is correct or even legal. This project intends to create standards, tools an heuristics to make the scary config file conflict resolution debconf prompt a thing of the past. Debbugs Bug Reporting and Manipulation API by David Wendt Jr., mentored by Bastian Venthur Currently debbugs supports a SOAP interface for querying Debian s Bug Tracking System. Unfortunately this operation is read-only. This project would create an API for debbugs which supports sending and manipulating bug reports, without having to resort to email. This project does not intend to replace email as mean to manipulate the BTS but rather to enhance the BTS to allow other means of bug creation and manipulation. Debian High Performance Computing on Clouds by Dominique Belhachemi, mentored by Steffen Moeller The project paves a way to combine the demands in high performance computing with the dynamics of compute clouds with Debian. Combining the Eucalyptus cloud computing infrastructure with the TORQUE resource manager and preparing the components for dynamically added and removed instances provides the user with a attractive high performance computing environment. Such a system allows users to share resources with large compute centers with minimal changes in their workflow and scripts. Debian-Installer on Neo FreeRunner and Handheld Devices by Thibaut Girka, mentored by Gaudenz Steinlin This project aims to improve the installation experience of Debian on handheld devices by replacing ad-hoc install scripts by a full-blown and adapted Debian-Installer. The Neo FreeRunner is used as it is the most convenient and open device from a development standpoint, but other devices will also be explored. Hurd port and de-Linux-ization of Debian-Installer by J r mie Koenig, mentored by Samuel Thibault The primary means of distributing the Hurd is through Debian GNU/Hurd. However, the installation CDs presently use an ancient, non-native installer. The goal of this project is to port the missing parts of Debian-Installer to Hurd. To achieve this, all problematic Linux-specific code in Debian-Installer will be replaced by less or non-kernel dependent code, paving the way for better support of other non-Linux ports of Debian. Multi-Arch support in APT by David Kalnischkies, mentored by Michael Vogt Hardware like 64bit processors are perfectly able to execute 32bit opcode but until now this potentiality is disregard as the infrastructure tools like dpkg and APT are not able to install and/or solve dependencies across multiple architectures. The project therefore focuses on enabling APT to work out good solutions in a MultiArch aware environments without the need of hacky and partly working biarch packages currently in use. Package Repository Analysis and Migration Automation by Ricardo O Donell, mentored by Neil Williams Emdebian uses a filter to select packages from the main Debian repositories that are considered useful to embedded devices, excluding the majority of packages. The results of processing the filter are automated but maintaining the filter list is manual. This project seeks to automate certain elements of the filtering process to cope with specific conditions. This project will also generalize to more elaborate and intelligent algorithms to improve the transitions of the main Debian archives. Smart Upload Server for FTP Master by Petr Jasek, mentored by Joerg Jaspert Making packages upload smarter, more interactive and painless for uploaders by switching from anonymous FTP and Cron jobs to a robust protocol and modern package checking and processing daemon. This daemon would test early and report early, saving developers time. More details coming soon on Congratulations everyone and have a fruitful summer!

6 April 2010

Sune Vuorela: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers bugs

A while ago, something happened to the bugs reported against KDE in debian. It is best illustrated like this: eckhart slope I ve chosen to name it Eckhart slope. Thanks. For full graphs, see

4 April 2010

Sune Vuorela: A Qt frontend to aptitude as a GSoC project?

I m currently trying to convince (and hopefully succeeding) Daniel Burrows to co-mentor a Qt frontend for aptitude. But for that a student is needed. for first draft of project. for information about GSoC and debian
and #debian-soc on if you prefer that communication media.

2 March 2010

Sune Vuorela: for my irc fans

-!- You re now known as svuorela

1 February 2010

Sune Vuorela: Toying with maemo and rotating apps

I have been playing a bit around with Maemo and writing Qt apps for n900. I ended up needing a rotation aware QMainWindow a couple of times, so I ended up abstracting it away in my own MaemoMainWindow, which I just wanted to share. It has enough ifdefs to also build against normal Qt, outside Maemo. Have fun. Available under any license. maemomainwindow.h:
#define MAEMOMAINWINDOW_H                                          
#include <QMainWindow>
class MaemoMainWindow : public QMainWindow
    MaemoMainWindow (QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0);
    virtual ~MaemoMainWindow();
    virtual bool event (QEvent* event);
    void orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation newOrientation);
  private Q_SLOTS:
    void orientationChangedSlot(const QString& newOrientation);
    Qt::Orientation m_orientation;
#include "maemomainwindow.h"                                         
#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
#include <mce/mode-names.h>
#include <mce/dbus-names.h>
#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QDBusMessage>
#include <QEvent>
MaemoMainWindow::MaemoMainWindow (QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : QMainWindow (parent, flags)  
#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
  QDBusConnection::systemBus().connect(QString(), MCE_SIGNAL_PATH, MCE_SIGNAL_IF,
void MaemoMainWindow::orientationChangedSlot (const QString& newOrientation)  
#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
  if (newOrientation == QLatin1String(MCE_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT))  
    setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5ForcePortraitOrientation, true);
    emit orientationChanged(Qt::Vertical);
    setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5ForceLandscapeOrientation, true);
    emit orientationChanged(Qt::Horizontal);
bool MaemoMainWindow::event (QEvent* event)  
#ifdef Q_WS_MAEMO_5
  switch (event->type())  
    case QEvent::WindowActivate:
           QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(MCE_SERVICE, MCE_REQUEST_PATH,
    case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
           QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(MCE_SERVICE, MCE_REQUEST_PATH,
  return QMainWindow::event (event);
Update: reformatted code. Thought wordpres and <code> was smart. Thanks Ken.

23 November 2009

Sune Vuorela: Subclassing QMutex considered harmful

If you are using QMutex, you are probably writing threaded applications, and thus want to use helgrind (part of valgrind). helgrind has some support for threading and mutexes in Qt, but not fully. If you try to run a app using a QMutex subclass in helgrind, it fails with

<appname>: hg_intercepts.c:2124: _vgwZU_libQtCoreZdsoZa__ZN6QMutexC2ENS_13RecursionModeE: Assertion 0' failed.
Basically, it is the handler for the _ZN6QMutexC2ENS_13RecursionModeE symbol that is implemented as assert(0);. The demangled symbol is QMutex::QMutex(QMutex::RecursionMode), which looks very much like the constructor for QMutex:
$ objdump -T /usr/lib/ grep _ZN6QMutexC
00068840 g DF .text 0000005b Base _ZN6QMutexC2ENS_13RecursionModeE
000687e0 g DF .text 0000005b Base _ZN6QMutexC1ENS_13RecursionModeE
which both demangles into the same QMutex::QMutex(QMutex::RecursionMode) The important difference is the C1 vs C2 in the mangled symbol name. The C1 symbol is used for creating QMutex objects (complete object constructor), wheras the C2 symbol is used for creating subclasses of QMutex (base object constructor). And the C2 handler in helgrind is as said implemented as assert(0);.
So until helgrind is fixed here, please be careful to not subclass QMutex. (the destructor handler for subclasses is also implemented the same way) QMutex has no virtual base class, so even in case of subclassing, I think the helgrind handlers should be implemented the same way in the base object constructor as in the base complete object constructor. I guess I should file a bug against helgrind. A test app if anyone is curious:
#include <QtCore> class mymutex : public QMutex
mymutex::mymutex(QMutex::RecursionMode mode) : QMutex(mode)
int main(int, char**)
mymutex m;
QMutexLocker lock(&m);
return 0;
Update 1: Bug filed.
Update 2: Better understanding of virtual base classes. Thanks Thiago

17 October 2009

Christian Perrier: Thy laptop shalt be a database server (take 2)

Thanks to people who reacted to this post of mine. As expected, when one posts such angry post, reactions come. Guess what: that was intended..:-) So, I got more background on this KDE pulls MySQL in issue. The issue is more subtle than just KDE upstream being dumb and using a MySQL daemon or database for desktop operations. In short, akonadi uses mysqld to manage its cache, from what I understood. So, what's needed is indeed the mysqld binary and not necessarily having it running as a *daemon*. Bug #513382 explains it all. I really hope that MySQL and KDE maintainers will settle to find a solution for this. Apparently, other distros managed to get such issue solved and I would hate Debian being laughed at because we are the only ones where "thy laptop shalt be a database server". Really, I won't be getting deeper into that issue, because I don't have the expertise but, really also, we can't seriously ship Squeeze with the current setup. What's unclear from the pointed bug report is whether someone is doing something about this. Yes, the issue is not new. I actually went on it because I was installing a new laptop and noticed questions about MySQL. My former laptop already had MySQL for other reasons, so I never noticed that my KDE packages were suddenly pulling more stuff in. Thanks to Sune Vuorela, from the Debian KDE team, and Eckhart W rner, from upstream KDE, for bringing more light on this. Ah, and thanks also to people who reworked the design of kdm login screen. It's really nice..:-) (and this is not sarcasm, here, I really mean it).

11 September 2009

Sune Vuorela: Matthew Rosewarne

Over the last months, I have been asking people in KDE irc channels and in Debian KDE channels wether they have heard from Matthew Rosewarne, on irc known as Mukidohime. No one had. Very recently, I uploaded one of his packages with the following changelog entry:
* Switch Maintainer field to krap team and remove Matthew, he seems absent.
We hope he comes back.
Apparantly he was absent. Permanently. Elizabeth Krumbach writes some nice words in his memory. I remember Matthew for his work on several KDE related packages in Debian, always doing a job that was better than I expected. And I especially remember him at Akademy 2008 where he to much joy brought a black horse whip for the chairman of a talkroom. And he even brouht a spare pink horse whip for when the black one broke. Especially Adriaan had a good use of that. And at last, I will bring a image of Matthew showing off his equipment to Aaron Seigo.
Matthew Rosewarne

Matthew Rosewarne

Condolences to his family. Matthew will be missed.

17 May 2009

Sune Vuorela: Debian/KDE status

So. Finally, we got KDE 4 series in Debian/Testing, more accurate, KDE4.2.2.
Thanks to the rest of the Debian/KDE team for working on this, including sitting on their hands when wanting to fix bugs, and a special thanks to the Debian Release team for making this happen. (PS.: and we beat gnome 2.26 in making it first to testing)

21 April 2009

Sune Vuorela: Debian KDE bugs

So. On Sunday, we worked through some of the bugs filed against KDE in Debian. Mostly, we cleaned up in old cruft, and a few bugs got forwarded. A bunch of the Debian KDE people participated, and some KDE Bugsquad people also dropped by. And a special thanks goes to the apparant newcomer, Karl Ferdinand Ebert, for doing a fantastic work, and I also succeeded in getting Anne-Marie Mahfouf to take a look at the kdeedu reports. We cleaned up in kdegraphics, kdeedu, kdeadmin and akregator reports, and did quite some work on the bug magnets of konqueror, kmail and kopete. Total result was around 100 bugs down, and we discovered a few bugs that had hidden in between the others, that is actually packaging issues.
All in all a success, that definately should be repeated in a month or two.

17 April 2009

Sune Vuorela: playing with debian kde bugs - anyone up for it ?

This sunday, the 19th of april, at 11 CEST, I will start work my way thru many open filed against KDE in the Debian Bug Tracking System that really belongs at - or just doesn t apply anymore. Feel free to join in in #debian-kde on aka oftc. See you there.

